Boost Your Immune System

By Kim

I personally love how yoga boosts our immune system. One less likely to come down with the sniffles and will recover faster. Of course, if one has a flu it is best not to practice yoga as this condition requires rest. Lots of rest always helps me recover faster from a flu combined with a few helpful supplements, healthy eating and a gentle daily walk.

We usually get sick when we are stressed working long hours, non nutrient dense diets and operating often at our max. When stressed our bodies produce stress hormones which make our bodies very acidic creating a good environment for germs to flourish in. Stress hormones also cause the thymus to shrink in size so it functions poorly as a producer of immune cells.

Hatha Yoga helps bring back some balance, brings back our energy and revitalizes lessening stress. I love the forward bends & yin stretches poses as they are especially calming to our nervous system reducing whole body stress.

Hatha yoga totally supports our immune system, the cells, tissues and organs that work together to fight off infection. Vital for the proper functioning of the lymphatic system which is responsible for the production and circulation of immune cells to defend the body of viruses and bacteria. As we exercise with yoga asanas, muscle contractions move lymph around the body which carries the defensive cells throughout the body. Inversions such as shoulders stand and headstands are wonderful, passively increasing circulation of the lymphatic system.

The Lions pose activates the lymph glands in the neck. If done at the beginning of a sore throat will stop a sore throat. Backbends like the Bridge pose and standing back bends, help the kidneys cleanse the body, warding off illness and the Camel pose activates the lymph nodes in the groin, arm pits and neck which are production sites for immune cells.

Colds and flus can result from poor digestion which can cause a build up of mucus that moves up into the lungs. Compressing the abdomen with Uddiyana bhanda in Forward Bends and Twists improves digestion helping prevent colds and flus. Pranayam yoga breathing exercises, help keep your lungs strong warding of colds & flus. Specific pranayama like the Breath of Fire stimulates the immune system.

A favourite asana of mine is the downward facing dog which encourages blood flow to the sinuses helping ease any congestion and cleansing the lungs.

Hatha Yoga such a wonderful exercise system for the body… fully boosting our immune system.


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