Rev Up Your Metabolism

by Kim

It is described that each person has their own metabolic rate that is affected by their lifestyle and as we become more active our metabolic rate increases which assists in weight loss.

Over the last 15 years of teaching hatha yoga I have experienced how a regular yoga practice helps one maintain a healthy weight and healthy body. I usually noticed after holiday with my family I had gained ½ a stone, but once back teaching 8 - 10 yoga classes a week my weight easily dropped back to my usual weight. One time I noticed my metabolism had changed from fast to slow when I had two hair analysis’s a year apart and the only difference in my life at that time was teaching a lot less yoga. 

Hatha Yoga is often described as the best way to boost your metabolism…  some asanas increase circulation, heart rate and energy boosting one’s metabolism. Some asanas are always regulating our metabolism… bridge, shoulder stand, fish, camel, and Jalandhara bhanda, regulating the thyroid gland in the neck, producing hormones which regulate metabolism. Core strengthening asanas, twists and forward folds greatly improve our digestion and liver function greatly improving metabolism. A sluggish digestion and sluggish liver is known to mean a sluggish metabolism. I love a chair twist… as it puts all the muscles of the body to work waking up our internal organs aiding digestion improving your metabolism.

Hatha yoga makes us more flexible plus builds strength and muscle. It is said muscles burn calories faster than fat and as our muscles increase in size and density you will burn calories with less effort.  Gradually as we get stronger and more flexible, we will begin to love inversions.  Inversions are so wonderful regulating the pituitary and adrenal glands releasing feel good hormones and endorphins which positively help with weight control.

Very important for everyone, yoga asanas, pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation helping us lessen stress. When you become stressed the hormone cortisol is released in restoring balance to the body. With prolonged stress there is a prolonged secretion of cortisol in our bodies creating serious problems which affect our metabolism.  

May a regular yoga practice give all a happy balance, a happy weight and good health.


Boost Your Immune System